Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and Auxiliary

The Post News

Gaming Number 98045

Volume 21 Edition 4

 Post Officers

Commander: George Buckmaster

Sr. Vice .….Caleb Denney

Jr. Vice……….Robert (Bob) Piekarski

Chap………….Warren Hawn

Adjutant………Jeff Schrock

Q.M…………Kenny Holmes

Service Officer……Toby Crowley


President…….Angie McKee

Sr. Vice .….Orv Myers

Jr. Vice……….Katee Slabaugh

Chap…………. Deb Harrell

Conductor………Jeff VanderReyden

Secretary………… Jan Santos

Treasure……Jan Santos

Guard…… Charlie Rader


Jan Santos

Commander’s Notes


Here we are in September with fall on the way and cooler weather and I hope this finds everyone doing okay. School has opened again and we need to be watchful of the children going to and from school.

We continue to have food and drink specials several times a week here at the Post, so stop in and try some. I again want to thank all the volunteers who help here at the Post and all those that come to the Post. A special thank you to Jerri for all she does.

We need to continue to remember all our veterans and their families where ever they served and are serving and those having health issues.

In closing, enjoy the fall weather and stay safe.

God Bless America!
Your Commander:
George Buckmaster

P.S. 1st Wednesdays, House Committee 6:00, Post meetings at 7:00 p.m. on the 1st Wednesday each month. Please attend if you can!

Adjutant’s Notes

Well, summer came back in a big way last week! Whew, 90’s plus. At least it’s supposed to be cooling down now as it’s September. Just a couple of head’s up things… Saturday 9 September is our For Vets by Vets dinner/fundraiser. Make sure you buy your tick-ets and come on down! A huge thanks to Caleb for putting this whole thing together.

Also, the Ride to Remember (the 9-11) ride is coming up the day after, Sunday 11 Sept. 1,000 bikes (give or take) will participate again this year. They leave Hoosier Harley ride around the county, and stop in Goshen at the GPD for a brief ceremony. The bikes will arrive around 2:30, so please stop by the GPD too. It’s to honor our fallen brothers and sisters in the Military, Police, and Fire (for Elkhart County).

The last week in September the Goshen PD has an Honor Guard camp again this year. Police and Fire from everywhere come here to take the week-long class. I like to invite the “kids” to the V in the evenings after class. Great food and great people, and most are veterans too! Stop in and welcome them into the fold.

In October we’ll welcome all the ghouls and goblins for Halloween. Remember to watch for all the shenanigans of our little trick-or-treating friends. Also, I really hate to add this part; keep an eye on them as they come and go from your homes. In this day and age, you really can’t be too careful.

Membership, membership, membership! It’s always a big topic at District 3 meetings. I remember when I became a member some 20+ years ago. We had somewhere between 800 – 900 members (for the Post). The Aux was even bigger. Now, we’re down to under 300. Whenever you see a vet wearing a “I served our military” ball caps, ask if they’re a VFW member. If not, hand them an app!

Trivia for this newsletter: 1) In the TV show Bones, what was Psychological Profiler Lance Sweets favorite food? 2) What was Psychological Profiler Lance Sweets favorite song?

As always, your Adj

Chaplain’s Corner

Good morning to all! I hope everyone is enjoying the summer but sorry to say fall is coming quicker than we think. I am hoping and praying for our veterans and their families for God’s blessing. If any-one deserves it is our veterans and those who are serving now!

If you know a veteran who is in need please let me know! God bless all of you!

Chaplain John

Trivia Answers:
1) Pizza (obviously a cool dude)
2) Put the Lime in the Coconut


Hard to believe that fall is just around the corner and football season has started. I am not sure where the summer went.
Not to sound like a broken record, but we always looking for more people to help us out on the 2nd and 3rd Fridays either in the kitchen or serving. If you are interested in helping, please feel free to contact me directly at or at 574-536-7763.

I want to thank the golf committee that put together the annual Rex Vander Reyden golf outing which was held this past weekend. From the pictures that I have seen, it looks like good time was had by all.

We will be heading to the final South Bend Cubs game on Sunday, September 10th. Game time is 2pm and we will have tickets for the patio deck, including a ticket, hat and a picnic buffet for 2 hours. The cost of the ticket would be $34.00 and if you are interested in going, please let Jan Santos know as there are a limited number of tickets available.

Please mark your calendars that we meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7pm.

Enjoy the upcoming Labor Day weekend.
Angie McKee, President
