American Legion Post 30

Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and Auxiliary

The Post News

Gaming Number 98045

Volume 21 Edition 4 – July/August 2023

 Post Officers

Commander: George Buckmaster

Sr. Vice .….Toby Crowley

Jr. Vice……….Jerry Mabie

Chap………….John Alheim

Adjutant………Jeff Schrock

Q.M…………Caleb Denney

Service Officer……Dave Snyder


President…….Tim Douwsma

Sr. Vice .….Orv Myers

Jr. Vice……….Angie McKee

Chap…………. Deb Harrell

Conductor………Jeff VanderReyden

Secretary………… Jan Santos

Treasure……Jan Santos

Guard…… Charlie Rader


Jan Santos

Commander’s Notes

I hope this finds everyone doing well and are able to get out and enjoy the sunshine and warm weather. We could use some rain with everything drying out and turning brown.


A reminder that the Post will be closed July 1st – 4th for the holiday and will re-open on Wednesday the 5th.

The Auxiliary will be having their golf outing later this summer with details to follow. I would again like to thank all the volunteers that help out at the Post and everyone that comes to the Post. Without you, we would not be open.
We need to remember all our veterans and their families, for all that they have done and are doing, where ever they serve.

Well that’s all for now. Have a great holiday and summer.

God Bless America!

Your Commander:

George Buckmaster

P.S. 1st Wednesdays, House Committee 6:00, Post meetings at 7:00 pm on the 1st Wednesday each month.

Please attend if you can!

Adjutant’s Notes

Happy 4th of July! I hope everybody is enjoying the festivities of our na-tion’s birthday. As you throw another burger or brat on the barbie, please say a silent prayer for those brothers n sister’s who died, were wounded, and all of us who came back to give that to us. One nation, under god, something we can all stand behind.

I also wanted to thank the VFW Aux for the upcoming Annual Golf Out-ing, and I hope everybody signed up. It’s always a great time, with great peo-ple. I’m bringing Team Air Guard again this year, and we’re going to walk away with all the trophies! (we’re gonna sneak in and swipe them…)

The Post Memorial Service as well as the Memorial Day services and pa-rade went pretty darn good. I want to thank everybody who came out and participated in one way or another.

There’s not a whole lot on the Post calendar these next few months, other than the already great stuff we have every week. Great food, great peo-ple, and a whole lot of fun.

Remember the Elkhart Co Fair the last week of July. If memory serves, the first Friday is a free day for all vets. I also hear we might have a booth or table or something out there, so stop by and take your friends to see it. As always, please tell all your veteran friends about the VFW and American Le-gion. We’re always looking for new members!

Trivia for this newsletter: On the TV show “Bones, 1) What is the name of the diner they always go to? 2) What was something that Character Spe-cial Agent Booth brought to his character on the show?

As always, your Adj, Jeff

Chaplain’s Corner

Good day to all and am praying for great days ahead this year for you!. With God’s blessing we should all thank him. I know some of you are suffering due to illness and age. Continue to pray for his healing touch and guidance.

We are now into summer and please enjoy it. Bless all of you and have a great summer.


Trivia Answers:
1) Royal Crown Dinner
2) Cocky belt buckle and wild socks


It is hard to believe that it is almost July. I would like to thank those who continually are helping with the Swiss Steak and Broasted Chicken dinners. With that said, we are always looking for more people to help us out on the 2nd and 3rd Friday’s either in the kitchen or serving. If you are interested in helping, please feel free to reach out to me directly at or at 574-536-7763.

We have the annual Rex Vander Reyden golf outing coming up on Sunday, August 27th at Raber Golf Course in Bristol. The deadline to register is August 4th. In September we are looking to do a South Bend Cubs game. We are going to have tickets for the patio deck which includes a ticket, hat and a picnic buffet for 2 hours. We are looking to have transportation to the game. The cost of the ticket would be $34.00 plus the cost of transportation. If you are interested in going, please let Jan Santos know.

Enjoy the upcoming 4th of July holiday.

Angie McKee
