Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and Auxiliary

The Post News

Gaming Number 98045

Volume 21: Edition 6 November – December

 Post Officers

Commander: George Buckmaster

Sr. Vice .….Caleb Denney

Jr. Vice……….Robert (Bob) Piekarski

Chap………….Warren Hawn

Adjutant………Jeff Schrock

Q.M…………Kenny Holmes

Service Officer……Toby Crowley


President…….Angie McKee

Sr. Vice .….Orv Myers

Jr. Vice……….Katee Slabaugh

Chap…………. Deb Harrell

Conductor………Jeff VanderReyden

Secretary………… Jan Santos

Treasure……Jan Santos

Guard…… Charlie Rader


Jan Santos

Commander’s Notes


Now that fall is here with cooler weather and the changing fall colors, I hope this finds everyone doing okay and to get out and enjoy the beauty that nature has to offer.

We will be getting into the holiday season with Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years not too far off and I wish everyone a great holiday season and hopes for a good coming year.

We continue to have some great food and drink specials here at the Post, hope you can come and try some.

I want to again thank all those that volunteer and help here at the Post and those that come to the Post.We need to remember all our veterans and their families where ever they served and are serving.I hope everyone has a great holiday season and stays safe.

Well, I think that’s all for now.God Bless America!

Your Commander:

George Buckmaster

P.S. 1st Wednesdays, House Committee 6:00,

Post meetings at 7:00 pm on the 1st Wednesday each month.

Please attend if you can!

Adjutant’s Notes

Greetings my Ghouls n Goblins out there… lol, oh well. Halloween is over, but the sugar high still goes on. Before I get too far into the newsletter, I just wanted to remind you all about our annual Veteran’s Day Ceremony at the Goshen Courthouse. 11 Nov, (Sat) at 11:00. On the 10th, some of us are going to a couple nursing homes to present a service for their veterans too. Please keep our older vets in mind on our special day.

Daylight Savings – yes, it’s coming again. Really wish the Governor would stop the insanity, but you know the gov’t. Thanksgiving Day is coming up at the end of the month (so to speak). And, of course Christmas in Dec. Please, say a special prayer for our troops abroad who can’t be home with their families, and the families who won’t have their spe-cial person there.

On a side (but very special) note. The Goshen PD’s annual “Cops and Kids” (formerly known as shop w/a cop) will be on Monday, December 18th. They come to the V for a pre-shopping photo, and then cara-van out to shop. It is really cool. Twenty or so police cars, lights n sirens – the kids love it! Afterwards, they come back to the V for a pizza party. Anybody wanting to donate, please drop a check off at the V or the GPD (Cops and Kids). If you have good, slightly used toys or outer garments you can drop them off the Friday or Saturday before. These are the kids who wouldn’t have a Christmas without the cops and us.

For trivia this month. On the TV show Bones; A) External shots of the fictional Jeffersonian Institute are actually shots of the? B) What was Phycological Profiler Lance Sweets favorite food?

As always, you’re Adj

Chaplain’s Corner

Good day to all, and hope you are all doing well! Our weather is changing and we will be soon facing snow and ice, a slip hazard especially for us older folks. For the young and old be extremely careful or your health can change in an instant.

Praying for all veterans and their family that the good lord bless them all!

Chaplain John

Trivia Answers:
A) Natural History Museum in Los Angeles
B) Pizza


Wow, I can’t believe how time is flying. We are 30 days away from Thanksgiving and 60 days away from Christmas.
Our annual children’s Christmas party will be on Sunday, December 10th from 2:00 to 4:00pm. Please bring a wrapped gift for your child with their name on it for Santa to give them upon his arrival. If you have any questions regarding the party, please feel free to reach out to Jan Santos or myself.

On October 23rd we were honored to host the National VFW Auxiliary President Carla Martinez from Utah at our post. Thank you to all who attended and helped prepare and serve the meal for the evening.

As we approach the holidays, please be safe and enjoy your family and friends.

Angie McKee

Upcoming Events

Trivia Night
Nov. 16th and Dec. 14 starting 6:30
Black Friday Party, November 24th
Band, Unsupervised starting at 7 pm
Food Drive for the Salvation Army
Point & Click
December 8th
Peanut here on November 22nd 7 – 10
Kids Christmas Party
December 10th, 2 -4 pm
Post Closed
November 23rd, December 23rd to 26th
